‘Traditional’ monochrome Amber LEDs are made solely from compound semiconductors such as AlInGaP and emit a very narrow colour spectrum from the bare LED chip itself. White LEDs comprise a blue-emitting LED chip covered with phosphors which convert some blue light to green/yellow/red which in combination with the blue creates full-spectrum ‘white’ light. PC-Amber LEDs comprise a blue-emitting LED chip but with phosphors (PC) tuned to maximally convert (PC) the blue light to a broad colour spectrum amber, the blue light is mostly filtered out.
Results summary: L70 lifetime projection (informal):
Forge 3528 White@20mA: 55°: 110Khrs, 85°: 85Khrs ✔
Forge 3528 PC-Amber@20mA: 55°: 93Khrs, 85°: 77Khrs ✔